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About Us

The Consortium for State and Regional Interoperability (CSRI) is a collection of the nation’s largest and most robust nonprofit health data networks. Collectively, our nonprofit organizations connect over 80 million records for patients across several states and provide a wide range of services to health care organizations.

Our Vision

Every state has a statewide health data utility that enables better health for its entire population. CSRI supports the health data utility, a public-private resource that provides a source of truth for robust clinical and non-clinical data, which can be leveraged by state and other health care system stakeholders to achieve healthier communities.

CSRI Board of Directors

Serving on CSRI’s board of directors are leaders at the nation’s largest and most robust nonprofit health data networks. They have served in the federal government, academia, hospital leadership, patient-facing clinical roles, and as advisors to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology.

Our board members include:

John Kansky

Board President, CSRI
President and CEO, Indiana Health Information Exchange

Indiana Health Information Exchange serves the state of Indiana.

Jamie Bland

Jaime Bland

Vice Chair and Treasurer, CSRI
President and CEO, CyncHealth

CyncHealth is the statewide health data network for Nebraska and Iowa.

Craig Behm

Craig Behm

Secretary, CSRI
President and CEO, CRISP

CRISP is the State Designated Health Information Exchange and Health Data Utility for Maryland.

Melissa Kotrys

Melissa Kotrys

Board Member, CSRI
Chief Executive Officer, Contexture

Contexture is the umbrella organization of health data networks in Colorado and Arizona.

Erica Galvez

Erica Galvez

Board Member, CSRI
Chief Executive Officer, Manifest Medex

Manifest MedEx is the largest nonprofit health data network in California and serves as a California Health & Human Services Data Exchange Framework Qualified Health Information Organization.


For activities such as advocacy, partnerships, and related activities.

Sarita Choy

Marketing/Public Relations Consultant, CSRI

For media inquiries.

Founding Partners